Planned Giving

Many of our supporters have provided for the conservation of our flora and fauna by planning ahead.  Some have left a donation in their will while others have joined our monthly donation program.  By taking some time to plan your gift now, you can ensure that funds are available for current and future projects.  It may surprise you to know that a growing number of our supporters join the monthly donation program to help today, and also set aside a gift in their will to support our natural resources for future generations.

Remembering Natural Resources in Your Will

One common source of donations of all sizes is your personal will.  Many of our donors have recognized that they want to leave a lasting legacy to those charities that mean the most to them.

We would like to make sure that everyone understands the importance of making a will no matter what you have to give or who you choose to give it to.   You can see our fact sheet on the importance of making a will for more information.

You should always consult your lawyer or accountant to make sure that your wishes are properly noted in your will.  Family should also be informed about your wishes.  There are various options for you to consider if you wish to leave money or other assets to the OWF.

A share of your estate/residual
You may decide the easiest way is to leave what is left over once all your other obligations are covered.

A specific bequest
This can be any item such as: equipment, property, or educational material.

A general bequest
This could be a specific sum of money or a percentage of your estate.

You may also choose to leave your legacy to something specific such as a scholarship fund, or the building of an outdoor classroom.  These can easily be arranged with your lawyer and implemented through the OWF.


  • Note: Many wills identify a small percentage of one’s estate (between 3%- 5%) to be donated to a favorite charity


If you have already made a will and would like to add a gift in your will to the OWF, your lawyer can add your request to your existing will.  This is known as a codicil.  When meeting with your lawyer to add a charity to your existing will you will need the name of the charity, the charity’s address, and the charity’s business number.

Thank you for your interest in the OWF and for being a supporter of our shared vision of a healthy future for Ontario’s flora and fauna.