Gifts to Remember

A single or monthly donation in memory of someone special is a great gift for the recipient and for our natural resources.  Whether it is to commemorate a special event like a wedding, graduation, or birth of a grandchild, your donation will be acknowledged by the OWF to whomever you request.  It is a comforting gesture to remember those special people in your life and to remind us all that the conservation of our precious outdoors is a great gift for all to enjoy.

Here are just some of the reasons our donors give to Gifts to Remember

  • Birthdays
  • Graduations
  • Promotions
  • Anniversaries
  • Mother’s or Father’s Day
  • Christmas
  • Retirements
  • Death of a loved one

You can Donate a Gift to Remember here.

Please be sure to include the address of the person who is to receive the card acknowledging your gift.