Toronto Wildlife Centre


Save Our Songbirds

Project Objectives:

Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) will construct a multi-unit aviary (flight cage) to rehabilitate small birds – a majority of which comprise songbirds, but also include other migratory and non-migratory species. The aviary will be set up at our new site in Rouge National Urban Park, where we are building a permanent, best-in-class wildlife facility.

Every year, of the approximately 5,000 wild patients admitted to TWC, an average of 1,000 are small birds. They represent close to 100 species and include common birds like northern cardinals and ruby throated hummingbirds and threatened species like Canada warblers and America woodcocks. At a time when so many of Ontario’s wild bird species are in steep decline, every bird we save matters. Once back in the wild, they can continue contributing to their population and playing their vital role in the ecosystem.

There is a need to continue concerted efforts in education and awareness building—especially around threats faced by migratory species—and what people can do to help. TWC regularly tells the stories of wild patients to educate the wider public, inspire compassion, and empower people to take the right action to protect these birds.