Near North Enviro Education Centre (NNEEC)


Mechanical Removal Invasive Phragmites Australis (Year Four)

Project Objective

We are a program of the local Near North Enviro Education Centre (NNEEC). We started in 2018 as a grass roots group with partners: Village of Sundridge, Township of Strong and Township of Joly, NNEEC, Lake Bernard Property Owners Association (all receive a copy of the workplan and the annual season end report, sit on the executive committee, and contribute with services in kind – see We became a program supported by NNEEC for applications for funding that require not for profit mentoring and administration support.

We need money this season for saw operators! The Phragmites Working Group cuts Invasive Phragmites Australis out of and from the lake shore of Lake Bernard and needs skilled saw operators to run our saws. We have four Stihl Kombi saws and we pay to maintain them after each cut as well as pay the saw operators.

At least 10 sites will require saws, some more than once. We may have to adjust to any outdoor COVID group size restrictions that may be in place – up to 10 people – up to 20 people etc and may have to return to some large sites to complete the work. Morning cuts go from early in the morning until the invasive reed is down, then we take it out of the water, tie and bag it on tarpaulins and it goes to the landfill – either the town or township takes it away for us. This truly is a community effort!

Our in water cuts start on July 15 or after and end by mid – September (water becomes too cold) and fits with the July 15 – end of September timing window set for in-water work by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), who gets our work plan to review each year, and who has approved a work permit for the 2022 season.

The Phragmites Working Group will start the season and proceed based on the level of funding obtained and/ or fund raised. The project is scalable. Our plan is to manage each of the sites on Lake Bernard at least once in 4 seasons to be able to:

  • Prevent the spread of this horrible invasive
  • Decrease damage to the ecosystem of the lake and adjacent Pool and Lynch lake Restore Habitat for Species at Risk – especially our freshwater turtles
  • Demonstrate/educate/and support removal of invasive species using best management practices.

If less funding is received we will not reach our 4th year goal, and some of the sites will continue to expand and spread.

Saw operation is critical for removal on large sites. Without funding to run the saws the pace will be considerably slower and we will be much less effective.

We really cannot ignore this invader.