Ontario Streams


Conserving & Rehabilitating Southern Ontario Watersheds

Granted $10,000.00 for Conserving and Rehabilitating Southern Ontario Watersheds 2023-2024

Project Objectives:

We are working to install in-stream habitat enhancement structures to reduce excess sedimentation, remove household garbage and litter, remove in-stream woody material blockages caused by land development and invasive species, as well as assess and remove human-made barriers to migration such as culverts and dams. Plant native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous. Lead volunteer stewardship programs to engage the local community with restoration activities and educate the public about environmental issues and the importance of healthy watersheds. Create digital content and resources to engage new audiences in our vital conservation work and complement our in-person programs. This also improves our partner recognition to demonstrate how impactful funding through foundations, such as the Ontario Wildlife Foundation, is critical to our success and to the rehabilitation of ecosystems in Southern Ontario. Protect and enhance at-risk populations of fish, amphibian, and plant species through demonstrated techniques such as population monitoring, releasing locally extinct Atlantic Salmon, removing invasive species, installing habitat enhancement features (such as turtle basking logs and protective fencing for sensitive areas).