Ontario Streams


Fleetwood Creek Brook Trout Habitat Enhancement

Project Objectives:

The Fleetwood Creek Brook Trout Habitat Enhancement project is an initiative to reconnect and rehabilitate critical brook trout habitat throughout the Fleetwood Creek watershed to implement re-connectivity projects through activities such as the repair and replacement of perched culverts, which are restricting fish passage and spawning capabilities for brook trout.

Brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are a native salmonid species in Ontario and are one of the only trout that spends the entirety of their life cycle living in rivers and streams. These trout are important natural heritage features for Ontario as they provide recreational value for anglers and act as important biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem health due to their sensitivity to water quality and thermal pollution. Habitat requirements of brook trout include cold, clean water, such as headwater streams, to live and reproduce in. Brook trout populations in Southern Ontario have been in decline due to anthropogenic impacts and the introduction of non-native salmonid species and are particularly threatened by increasing urban and agricultural development which often require the installation of dams, weirs, online ponds, and culverts for stormwater management purposes. Improperly installed and under-maintained culverts pose several issues for aquatic species habitat connectivity and quality

By assessing and mitigating the impact of culverts, passage will be restored to brook trout and other aquatic species that were previously unable to access other stretches of headwater streams. This project is one of several outreach initiatives created for rural landowners who have streams running through their properties, and there are several other barriers that have been identified on private land.

Due to the sensitive nature of this cold-water species, it is imminent that the existing critical habitat be protected and free of barriers. By working with landowners, like-minded organizations, and the public, the goal of this initiative is to attract landowners who may have similar projects that will assist in the reconnection of critical spawning habitat, educate the public on best practices for caring for the streams on their properties, and ultimately ensure that this valuable habitat remains suitable, and without barriers for the population of brook trout on Fleetwood Creek. These efforts will be made possible through the generous support of the Ontario Wildlife Foundation.