Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters


Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program

Project Objectives:

The Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program is a multi-organization partnership headed by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) to restore a self-sustaining population of Atlantic Salmon to Lake Ontario, from which they have been extirpated since 1896. The full-scale restoration program was officially launched in 2006. The long-term goal of a self-sustaining population is projected to be achieved in 10 to 15 years. The restoration has four major components: (1) fish production & stocking; (2) habitat & water quality protection and improvement; (3) research & assessment; and (4) education & outreach. While significant corporate and in-kind support has been received to date, it is only meeting baseline funding requirements, and we are seeking additional funding to ensure the long-term success of the program. With this proposal, we are seeking to support the fish production & stocking and education & outreach components of the program.

Interim & Final Report