Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program


Stock Young Atlantic Salmon into Three Tributaries of Lake Ontario

Granted $30,000 for the LOASRP Hatchery Program

Project Objectives:

The restoration program has four major components: (1) fish production & stocking; (2) habitat & water quality protection and improvement; (3) research & assessment; and (4) education & outreach. While significant corporate and in-kind support has been received to date, it is only meeting baseline funding requirements, and we are seeking additional funding to ensure the long-term success of the program. We are seeking to support the fish production & stocking and education & outreach components of the program. More specifically we are looking to supplement fish production costs to ensure we continue to have eggs available for school children in classroom hatcheries and fish available to stock into our target rivers. Additionally, we seek support for stocking events to coordinate the volunteers needed on-site to release fish over 15+ stocking days each spring. We are also looking to support our classroom hatchery education program, which involves at least two rounds of travel to 90+ locations: to deliver eggs and to subsequently release the hatched fish with the schoolchildren into our target restoration rivers. Some schools also receive an in-class presentation on the history of Atlantic Salmon in Ontario and the restoration effort to bring them back.

Final Report