Invasive Species Centre


Healthy Forests Training

Granted $5,130.00 for the Healthy Forests Training

Project Objectives:

To conserve Ontario forest health and protect forest habitats which can support abundant birds, fish and animals to Build Capacity in municipalities across Ontario to prevent and prepare for forest pest invasions.

Invasive species are considered one of Canada’s greatest threats to the survival of wild animal and plant life. These species arrive, often accidentally, and establish in the absence of natural predators or other controls. As a result, these species kill, crowd out, and devastate native species and their ecosystems. Several invasive species, such as insects and pathogens, can have detrimental effects on tree health. These pests can damage, weaken, or even kill trees, negatively impacting the health of the overall forest and reducing habitat or food sources for native animals. Prevention is the most effective and low-cost solution for managing invasive species. Delayed action is not only costly (e.g., tree removal and replacement, damaged infrastructure) but can also harm native biodiversity and ecosystems. Furthermore, research has shown the price of prevention is far lower than the environmental and economic costs of biological invasions, with costs increasing as population sizes grow. Training on species identification, prevention, management, and reporting will allow landowners, community members, and industry workers to mitigate tree loss as much as possible and protect valuable ecosystem resources for wildlife.