Invasive Species Centre


Oak Wilt Management and Qualification Workshop

Granted $5,000.00 for the 2023 Oak Wilt Management and Qualification Workshop

Project Objectives:

Oak wilt is a vascular disease of oak trees, caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum. The fungus grows in the outer sapwood of oak trees, which restricts the flow of water and nutrients up from the roots. With limited canopy resources, the leaves on infected trees can wilt and drop prematurely, eventually resulting in complete defoliation. Red oak species are particularly vulnerable to oak wilt and can die in as little as two weeks following infection.

Educating community members and forestry professionals is a vital step in preventing the spread of oak wilt into Canada. Prevention is the most effective and low-cost solution for managing invasive species. Delayed action is not only costly but can also harm native biodiversity and ecosystems. Furthermore, research has shown the price of prevention is far lower than the environmental and economic costs of biological invasions, with costs increasing as population sizes grow. If the oak wilt pathogen is introduced into Ontario, preemptive training on species identification, prevention, management, and reporting will allow landowners, community members, and industry workers to mitigate oak tree loss as much as possible and protect valuable ecosystem resources for wildlife.

Final Report