Earth Rangers


School Outreach Program

Project Objectives:

Earth Rangers is requesting funding to support our School Outreach Program, the goal of which is to educate and empower young people across Ontario and nation-wide about today’s environmental issues and how we can all affect positive change. The program is re-invented to address the most timely and relevant environmental topics and lay down a foundation of understanding for complex issues like climate change and plastic. Our team of knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenters use science-based information to educate students about the importance of protecting biodiversity, highlighting inspiring conservation initiatives that are taking place in their own province.

In 2020, Earth Rangers re-imagined the school presentation for virtual delivery, ensuring that the program could continue to bring a positive impact to students even during COVID-19. The virtual program has been met with tremendous enthusiasm by schools, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from teachers, school administrators, and students alike. On average, each Earth Rangers school presentation can reach 300-400 students at a time, making a significant impact in each school.

The virtual school program is free of charge to schools, delivered to grades 1-6, available in both English and French, reimagined every year to include timely and relevant content, and leverages technology to deliver an interactive, inspirational, and engaging virtual experience. Funding from the Ontario Wildlife Foundation would support delivery of our School Outreach Program in 5 schools in underserved areas of Ontario. Specifically, we would like to focus on delivery of the program to elementary schools in Northern Ontario.

Earth Rangers Final Report