The Corporation of the City of Mississauga


Wahoosh Falls Restoration

Project Objectives:

Historically, Wahoosh Falls was located behind a resident’s property until 2013 when the landowners moved, and the house was demolished. Since then, the 2.15-acre plot has been acquired by the City of Mississauga and left vacant. Last year during the COVID-19 lockdown, Wahoosh Falls became a popular location for photos by the Falls and a general gathering spot. With no trail infrastructure or designated rest areas, the abrupt rise in visitors deteriorated the quality of the forest due to trampled plants, soil compaction, and LITTERING. The outcomes of this project will improve and maintain the ecological integrity of the fresh Sugar maple deciduous forest and create a meadow adjacent to the forest in an open, sunny area. The removal of invasive plants and the planting of 575 native trees and shrubs and 1050 herbaceous plants will improve the ratio of native to invasive plant species and increase the overall native plant diversity on site. Native wildflowers planted in the former house’s location will provide food and habitat for native pollinators. Maintaining and expanding the existing forest will provide food, shelter and habitat for bird and mammal species.

Final Report