The Owl Foundation

August 2018

The Owl Foundation

* Grant awarded for owl food for six months.

Project objectives:

The Owl Foundation specializes in helping injured or orphaned owls. We strive to return them to the wild. We currently house over 120 owls including resident owls, resident foster parent owls, owls in different stages of recovery from injuries, home hatched baby owls from our residents, and orphaned owls being cared for by our owl foster parent residents. In 2017, we admitted over 198 birds of prey. One of our largest expenses is owl food. We receive over 1,100 live mice and 100 live rats each week. In 2017, we spent over $20,000 on owl food alone; not factoring in the cost of owl food (mouse chow for the live mice) and mouse bedding. Many man hours are involved in caring for the mice. We try to use volunteers as much as possible for the routine cleaning, watering, feeding, and caring of the mice.

Final Report