ALUS Canada

August 2018

ALUS Canada

* Grant awarded for Habitat Stewardship Education events through ALUS in Eastern Ontario.

Project objectives:

ALUS Canada works with landowners to restore and enhance areas of their land back into high-quality, functioning ecosystems. Projects include reforestations, wetland creations and restorations, grassland restorations, erosion control to support water quality, habitat enhancement such as bird nest boxes, reptile basking structures, and pollinator nesting sites. In Eastern Ontario, wetland loss is estimated at around 85 percent, fragmentation from agriculture is an increasing concern, and invasive species are becoming a greater threat to existing biodiversity. By engaging landowners in habitat stewardship, biodiversity and the amount of habitat conserved on the landscape can be increased. Engaging and educating landowners can also help control invasive species.

Final Report