Trout Unlimited Canada

July 2017

Trout Unlimited Canada

* Grant awarded for rehabilitation of Upper Credit Conservation Area.

Project objectives:

The goal of the project is to improve and rehabilitate cold-water brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) habitat in the Upper Credit Conservation Area, located in Caledon (20073 Porterfield Road). Historic agricultural activities (cattle pasturing) up until the mid-2000s played a factor in stream degradation in the Upper Credit Conservation Area resulting in erosion, an over-widened stream, loss of streamside vegetation, and increased water temperatures. These impacts have contributed to a decline in the cold water brook trout population in this reach.

Through a collaborative partnership program consisting of five organizations including our major partner, Credit Valley Conservation, we are working towards restoring and protecting the Credit River in the Upper Credit Conservation Area. We have a five year project plan in place and 2017 marks our third year.

Final Report