Ducks Unlimited Canada

July 2017

Ducks Unlimited Canada

* Grant awarded for the European Water Chestnut Control on Wolfe Island project.

Project objectives:

Wolfe Island is a designated international Important Bird Area (IBA) providing critical habitat for thousands of dabbling and diving ducks. This lush 30,000 acre island provides continentally important habitat for ducks and geese and hundreds of species of other fish and wildlife. Unfortunately, it has also been a target of the invasive European Water Chestnut. European Water Chestnut is an aggressive, annual aquatic plant that chokes the life out of wetlands and shallow bays by reducing the amount of light that penetrates the water’s surface. This prohibits the growth of native plants which decreases plant biodiversity. Reduced light penetration and plant growth beneath the Water Chestnut canopy, combined with a large amount of decomposing vegetation, leads to decreased oxygen, causing much less productive waters, and greatly reduces their value to waterfowl, fish and other wildlife. To eradicate this invasive plant, it is necessary to maintain monitoring and control so it does not impact the physical, biological or economic benefits of these coastal bay wetlands.

Final Report | Update