Conservation Halton

July 2017

Conservation Halton Foundation

* Grant awarded for the 2017 Mountsberg Shrike Recovery Project.

Project objectives:

Conservation Halton was approached by Wildlife Preservation Canada to fund, build and run a facility dedicated to breeding Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes for release to support the recovery of the wild population. And help bring the endangered Eastern Loggerhead Shrike (ELS) back from the edge of extinction in Canada. The Eastern Loggerhead Shrike were listed as endangered in Canada in 1991. To accomplish this project the Conservation Halton Foundation constructed a facility that housed 12 shrikes (6 breeding pairs) in 2010-2011. Since the we have raised 126 young and 112 were released back in to the wild.

In addition to supplementing and stabilizing the wild population of Eastern Loggerhead Shrike via captive breeding and release, the Mountsberg Shrike Recovery Project includes a campaign to raise awareness of Ontario’s species at risk. By highlighting the ELS in Mountsberg’s already existing and very successful educational programs, this project can make a difference for community members and students.

Final Report