Thank you for your interest in the Ontario Wildlife Foundation (OWF). The OWF is a non-profit, charitable organization that provides us all with a way to help conservation in our province. By visiting our website you can see we believe that great environmental strides begin in our own backyard.

Ontario is a vast and truly breathtaking province. With today’s busy schedules we sometimes forget what we have right in front of us. I fear one day we will look up from our busy lives and see that the beauty has disappeared. Sitting on my back porch I can hear the song birds and see the flowers and trees blooming. I know that I am truly blessed to live in this great province.

As a retired school teacher I have always had, and continue to have, a strong passion for education. Representing the OWF has given me another opportunity to help educate other Ontarians who care about nature.

Through continued support from our many partners and supporters, like you, and working with other like-minded organizations in the area of scientific research and conservation education, we are making a difference.

With the support of people like you, we can affect change for better conservation of our natural surroundings.

Invest in your future today!

John Ford
OWF President